Greener Kemnay Logo

Greener Kemnay Timeline

We came together with the idea of being the green consciousness of the village, the needs assessment became a full constitution and incorporation as a charity, our three charitable aims progressed to the link paths, the Kemnay Steens, the Birley Bush Community Garden and the Kemnay Energy Project.  

The Energy Project has led us into the wider world, making large funding applications, buying equipment not available locally, looking at projects in other parts of the UK and on the continent, and now reaching out into the workforce to see the skills and techniques that could be enhanced to achieve the climate goals.

2012 A group of friends started meeting monthly to talk about green issues in a village context.

2013 We hosted a permaculture course with 15 participants

2014 We started to ask Aberdeenshire Council (A.C.) for a space for composting project

2015 Needs assessment was carried out through Kemnay Newsletter inserts

2016 More negotiating with A.C.

Bremner Way link path constructed – budget £1750

Dalmadilly Link path proposed

Participation in Kemnay Community Action Plan.

2017 GK created a path to make a safe link in the core path network at Dalmadilly on the outskirts of the village using funding from Paths for All and Aberdeenshire Council – budget £4,000 . The Paths Group is a joint venture of Greener Kemnay and Positive Steps Kemnay

Awarded charitable status.  The constitution has four interlinked strands, promoting the green agenda, increasing and improving the path network, community growing and composting, and sustainable energy and development

Licence agreed for Birley Bush roadside area, a dumping ground for cemetery waste, and 22 loads of soil delivered in a very wet November.

At Birley Bush Community Garden – Soil spread, paths laid, poly tunnel erected.  The garden has 20 raised beds for personal use and communal planting for anyone to pick, the surplus goes to the Kemnay Larder. A donation from a Golf Club Quiz enabled us to hold a consultation on the design and installation of decorative gates onto the main road. The garden is open for an individual or group to use, hosting walking groups, several youth groups, holding monthly activity sessions and twice-yearly events. We received Coop Local funding over 2 periods of £1,600 and we re-use unwanted items from residents.

2019 We added the public art project Kemnay Steens using legacy Percentage for Art funds matched with funds from The Big Lottery administered by Creative Scotland.  The Steens are within the village and adjacent to the circular core path through Fettenear Estate, Shakin’ Briggie at Burnhervie and round to Dalmadilly Ponds – Budget £19,000

2020-2021 the Covid years, where the garden was extensively used by individuals but little could be done in non-familial groups.

2022 Energy cost started to rise so in keeping with aim of reducing the amount of fuel villagers use we held a workshop in May, the outcome of which was to look at reducing domestic energy consumption and whether we could capture energy in the village. Just Transition application for a large project unsuccessful but an application to Just transition Green Participatory Budgeting round awarded us £11,272 in capital expenditure for home survey equipment.

2012-23.  The above projects indirectly decreased our use of fossil fuels through local outdoor pursuits, re-use, repurposing and local food growing. The Greener Kemnay Home Energy Project is now a specific project for the reduction of energy use in heating homes.