AGM. This will be held on19th November in the Friendship Room at the Village Hall at 7pm. After a short AGM, we will be hearing from Ruth Wardle, Head Gardener from Castle Fraser on ‘Preparing Your Garden for the Winter’. It would be great to see you all there.
More information in next month’s Bulletin
Volunteers needed: This is a plea to our readers for help with all aspects of Greener Kemnay; we are looking for committee members for our Trustee Meetings, members for our Path group committee and help in the Community Garden. If you could give us a few hours of your time each month, it will be a big help.
Community Garden
Activity Day: This will be on Saturday 12th October from 10 to 2pm.
- We are wanting to strim around the willow and fruit trees and remove the cuttings.
- Finish off putting bark around the raise beds
- Look at patching up the perimeter fence.
- Tidy up the site.
I’ve included some of the pictures taken at Birley Bush this year:

Energy Group
Still Waiting: – The energy group is still waiting to see if they have been successful with their application to SSEN. These funds will be used to survey villagers’ houses to improve the energy usage and we hope to have these funds this side of the New Year.
Other sources of funding: They are still looking for alternative funding. The difficulty the group has found is to fit our project to the funding bodies’ criteria and the problem is we need the funds before Christmas to get the surveys done before the winter is out.
Path Group
Dalmadilly Path: The link path put in by Greener Kemnay and Paths for All, that provides safe access to and from the ponds is needing a bit of TLC. There is growth encroaching onto the path and the cross drains need clearing and we are looking to get this done over this winter. We are contacting contractors to do this work and if you are or know someone that would like to do the work, please contact me at