General information
AGM: Our AGM is on Tuesday 19th November at 7.30 at the Village Hall Friendship Room. The short AGM will be followed by a talk on preparing your garden for winter by Ruth Wardle the head gardener of Castle Fraser. All are welcome to attend for a social evening.
The Annual Report and financial statement are available and questions can be asked by email or in person.
Website: Here is a link to our website, it would be great to hear your view on what you think of it, both good and bad and we will try to put them into action with our limited budget.
Community Garden: Activities Day: This is on Saturday 9th November from 10 – 2pm. Here are some of the tasks we like to complete, prune the willows, explore a site for the jubilee oak, repair the fence around the garden, remove the strimmings from along the fence and under the willows and prepare more of the raised beds for the winter. Please come and help us, for as long as you can and we look forward to getting the helping hand.
There are spare raised beds for next season if you would like one – Muriel holds the list of the beds available.
Energy Group
We are still waiting for the result of our application to SSEN for comprehensive surveys for retrofit options.
The new information boards are not yet up, we are still waiting on Aberdeenshire Council to install them at Bogbeth Park and the Fetternear car park by the Don bridge.
The Trustees don’t hold a meeting in December but of course we can be contacted by email and weather permitting the Birley Bush activity day will be on 14th December.
I hope you enjoy reading our Annual Report and the information on the website.