Greener Kemnay Logo

Bulletin March 2024

General information

Web site: Our website is now live, so please Google or use another search engine to find We are looking for your views on the site. We do know that we need some pictures on the front cover so suggestions welcome. We will search the many photos we have to illustrate the pages.

Spring get together: We are going to hold a spring get together meal inviting all those who have helped Greener Kemnay over the last year. We are holding on it on the 3rd March at 6.30pm at Kemnay Golf Club. Please reply to this email if you are interested so we can share the menu and costs.

Community Garden

May Event: Our May event is on Saturday 11th. We are starting to plan the event and we are intending to have a bird related theme. If you have any ideas to include in the event then let us know, food, shelter, flight, communication, position in the pecking order?

Activity day: Weather permitting, we are meeting on Saturday 10th February at 10am. We are hoping to replace some of the wood chippings around the raise beds, also putting manure on these beds and filling up the trailers with stuff to be taken to the recycling centre.

Plants for Pollinators: Sue has applied for 360 plants for the village, these are to be plants in 3 sites around Kemnay, the Community Garden, top of High Street and the James Mitchell carrier corner. I am sure Sue would like some help getting them planted in a few weeks time. Please contact her. The Academy will add 120 to the top of Bremner Way. Last week honey bees were seen on snowdrops, but witch hazel, winter honeysuckle, winter jasmine, hazel, mahonia and hellebores could all have provided a little sustenance for bees last week.

Energy Group

Surveying: The process of surveying is in the training stage, they have taken images of two houses and progressed to a more in dept information gathering on a third. The latest had a floor plan with measurements of rooms, windows, construction, current heating as well as the images and will be discussed with an outside expert volunteer during the next fortnight.

Volunteers: The energy group are looking for more volunteer to undertake training and help with the surveying,


Riverside Path: This is now under construction; the contractors have concreated in edges and surface will be tarred. The path is going to taking a similar route as the original giving views across the river without watching where you put your feet! It shouldn’t be damaged by next flood and I look forward to using it.


Next Trustees meeting: This is on March 6th at 7pm at the Village Hall, Wainman Room. Everyone is welcome.



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