AGM: We had the Greener Kemnay AGM last month, it was a small affair as we had to cancel Ruth, our speaker for the event due to the wintery weather. We did sign off the year accounts and also assessed the year activities.
End of year celebrations: Greener Kemnay are having an end of year celebration, this is open to all who have helped us throughout the year and will be held at the Burnett Arms on Wednesday 18th December at 6.30. If you are not on the list and would like to come, please contact Richard 07967439109.
Community Garden
Activity Day: This will be on Saturday 7th December, from 10am to 2pm. Clear the area for the oaks to be planted, sort out the fence, clear the brush away from under the willows and have a look at a way to replace the pallets from under the two IBC. It would be great to have your help and please come along. We need to replace the pallets at the cabin door as well.
We had a delivery of woodchip yesterday to finish off the second section of pallet collars
New Signs: There has been no sighting of the signs, we are patiently waiting, let’s hope they are installed in the new year. We know they were made and have paid for them!
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