Trustees present: Richard Lamplugh, Lorna Forsyth, Sue Wainman, Jenny Spratt, Gabby Stevens, Liz Dinnie, Muriel Brydon
Apologies: Sarah Temple, Anne Reid
Approximately 20 members of the public were present
2021 AGM minutes proposed by SW and seconded LF
Chair’s Report, from Richard Lamplugh
I hope you would agree with me, that it has been a very successful year for all the active areas that Greener Kemnay are in.
We formed an Energy sub group, out of last May’s meeting which explored the potential interest in the community around Energy for example usage/costs and production. This, came on the back of increasing prices for fuel and seeing the cost of everything going up as a consequence. Very quickly the sub group identified links with similar local organisations and fine-tuned the focus to support residents in Kemnay find out how best to insulate their homes by collecting data on house types – energy usage – have the opportunity to hear from others how they have insulated their homes. The group applied (unsuccessfully) for funding to train local residents to conduct the surveys, purchase equipment to measure energy leakage and support local businesses so that appropriate insulation is accessible locally. Some members of the group also visited Udny Development Trust to view Low Carbon Heating in the area, sharing the pro’s and con’s the homeowners had experienced.
We are currently collating the data on house types, liaising with other local organisations, and applying for funding to support the next step.
We have seen the new energy group being very busy. From it conception in May, they identified from that initial meeting that insulating our home would most effectively reduce our energy requirement. A proposal was put together for funding. Unfortunately, this was not successful, but the proposal is there waiting for the next round of funding. In the meantime, the group are wanting to go ahead with the project in a reduced format.
The Community Garden is going from strength to strength, the garden is maturing well, we had two enjoyable garden open days this year, a replacement poly tunnel (that has produced a good crop of tomatoes) and now the added attraction of the boules court. The WhatsApp group is working well, keeping volunteers in touch with what’s happening at the garden and if you are not in the group and would like to be see Muriel later.
The path subgroup has not been very active this year. I do see it as an important part of Greener Kemnay and especially with the recognition the paths for all got. I would be interested in breathing more life into it, if anyone could give us help with this, I would be grateful.
Greener Kemnay has set up a communication group, as it was pointed out that is an area we need to improve. Now the group meets once a month to put this into action. The monthly newsletter has come out of this. We are improving our Facebook posts, the website trying to keep it up to date and we are sorting out the communication within the organisation as it is getting bigger.
There is also fund-raising group, that has been set up to look at raising money for all the different parts of Greener Kemnay.
Fantastically, you can see from the accounts we are in a good position. The trustees have agreed to use some the unsecured funds in the account to put towards helping the energy group project.
I look forward to seeing how this develop over the coming winter.
Next year I hope the boules court will be used well. We will develop the site more and maybe start sorting out the woods behind.
Treasurer’s Report, from Gabby Stevens Greener Kemnay Statement of Accounts for the Financial Year 2021/22
Greener Kemnay’s financial year runs from 1 October to 30 September. Thus, this set of annual accounts covers the period 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2022, and is presented for approval at the Greener Kemnay Annual General Meeting to be held on 1 November 2022. The accounts are maintained on a receipts and payments basis.
Overall statement of transactions during 2021/22
Donations received during the year: Note 1 1,084.92
Grant Support received during year Note 2 345.60
Total Income received during the year 1,430.52 1,430.52
Insurance 145.60
Community Garden Note 3 384.92
Positive Steps Note 4 48.00
Hire of Village Hall 56.00
Total expenditure for the year 634.52 634.52
Surplus of income over expenditure 796.00
Bank account balance as at 1 October 2021 4,177.57
Plus surplus of income over expenditure 796.00
Bank account balance as at 30 September 2022 4,973.57
Notes to the accounts
Note 1: Donations received during the year
Towards the repair of the polytunnel 120.00
Specific to the Community Garden 341.50
Other general donations 623.42
Total donations received 1,084.92
Note 2: Grant support received during the year
Nourish Scotland towards the Community Garden Open Day 200.00
Aberdeenshire County Council for insurance 145.60
Total grant support received 345.60
Note 3: Community Garden expenditures
Repairs to the polytunnel 250.76
Costs in respect of the Open Day 86.00
General items of maintenance and plants 48.16
Total Community Garden 384.92
Note 4: Positive Steps
Contribution to path spraying 48.00
Greener Kemnay Funds:
Greener Kemnay maintains a number of specific funds within the overall total of financial resources shown above. Those fund’s expenditures and income were as follows:
Balance Balance
1 Oct 2021 Expenditure Income 30 Sept 2022
Unrestricted Fund 2,512.91 48.00 623.42 3,088.33
Community Garden Fund 133.34 384.92 661.50 409.92
Bird Fund 76.66 0.00 0.00 76.66
Insurance Fund 0.00 145.60 145.60 0.00
COOP Fund 1,454.66 56.00 0.00 1,398.66
Totals 4,177.57 634.52 1,430.52 4,973.57
Note regarding the Bird Fund:
No expenditure or income has been recorded for 2021/22 as Granton Developments have kindly been giving the Community Garden mixed bird food
The accounts were proposed by Lorna Forsyth and seconded by Richard Lamplugh
Constitutional Amendment
Agenda Item 5
Amendments to the Constitution
As a result of the approval of a Financial Control Policy by the Trustees on 5 July 2022 and amended on 4 October 2022, it is necessary to make the following amendments to the Constitution of Greener Kemnay. These amendments are as follows:
Within the Section entitled ADMINISTRATION, sub section Operation of Accounts, delete paragraphs 102 and 103. These two sections should be replaced by a new paragraph 102, namely:
102 All financial transactions and accounts will be managed strictly in accordance with the Financial Control Policy agreed by the Trustees at their meetings of 5 July 2022 and 4 October 2022. This policy is reproduced at Appendix 1 to the Constitution.
All subsequent paragraphs must be renumbered accordingly i.e., 104 becomes 103 etc.
They were proposed by Sue Wainman and seconded by Liz Dinnie
End of AGM
The AGM was followed by a presentation by Dave McGrath about energy loss from buildings, and how to detect and reduce it. It was helpful for the work of Greener Kemnay’s Energy Group and was an opportunity to share some of the issues with the community. The talk was followed by a lively discussion.